Toma Primavera

oil on wood, 10x8"

Toma Primavera, original artwork by Mike Geno

Happy to finally have a cut-to-order cheese case in my neighborhood, at Liberty Kitchen, headed up by my monger/maker friend Matt Budenstein, I stopped by for a model to paint. The case has a collection of cheeses, many of them local. I spotted this cute semi soft washed rind cheese. It's a raclette-like melter made with raw cow's milk by Cherry Grove Farm. Their milk is always wonderful and their talented cheesemakers have been consistently making award-winning magic in nearby Lawrenceville, NJ.

I really enjoyed the mild grassy and nutty flavor with a buttery textured and handsome washed rind. I had fun painting this in an intense bubble-gum background that was a long term challenge to my eyes in the bright studio lights. However, I feel like it translates the taste of brightness that makes me happy.

Country of Origin: USA, New Jersey

Availability: sold

Additional Image:

Additional Image of Toma Primavera, original artwork by Mike Geno

Detail View:

Detail View of Toma Primavera, original artwork by Mike Geno