Search results for "california"

California Rolls 1

california Rolls 1

Series: Foodie

Description: super market california rolls were my first sushi paintings. They're so fun as little abstract compositions.

Origin: USA, Philadelphia, Pa

Tags: sushi

Price: sold

California Rolls 2

california Rolls 2

Series: Foodie

Description: Supermarket california rolls are like candy , mini abstract sculptures. These were among my first to ever paint.... back in maybe 2008

Origin: usa, philadelphia, Pa

Tags: sushi

Price: sold

Dried California Apricots

Dried california Apricots

Series: Foodie

Description: This commission was quite a challenge. Dried apricots are essentially strange, varied wrinkled forms with a color-range between brilliant orange to neutral browns. Therefore, this painting became more a colorful celebration of their form, color and texture.

Origin: USA, CA

Tags: J.S.Collection, accompaniment , apricots

Price: sold



Series: Foodie

Description: Technically, these are "california Maki Rolls" but at that time they were simply "Sushi" for me. These delicious morsels were brought to a party I threw and I immediately stashed some in the back of my refrigerator so I could paint these gem-like objects the next day.

Tags: sushi, maki, food

Price: sold